juridiction militaire - definitie. Wat is juridiction militaire
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Wat (wie) is juridiction militaire - definitie

Medaille Militaire; Médaille Militaire; Medaille militaire; Medaille Militare; Military Medal (France); Médaille militaire (France)
  • Field Marshal Montgomery, a recipient of the Médaille militaire
  • WW1 African American fighter pilot Eugene Bullard, a recipient of the Médaille militaire
  • Marshal of France, Great Britain and Poland, [[Ferdinand Foch]], a recipient of the Médaille militaire

Médaille militaire         
The Médaille militaire () is a military decoration of the French Republic for other ranks for meritorious service and acts of bravery in action against an enemy force. It is the third highest award of the French Republic, after the Légion d'honneur, a civil and military order, and the ordre de la Libération, a Second World War-only order.
Organisation Militaire Belge de Résistance         
OMBR; Belgian Military Office of Resistance; Organisation Militaire Belge de Resistance
The Belgian Military Organisation of Resistance () or OMBR was a group within the Belgian resistance in German-occupied Belgium during World War II. It remained a reasonably small organisation throughout the war, comprising a total of 3,112 men and women.
Organisation civile et militaire         
Organization Civile et Militaire; Organisation Civile et Militaire; Civil and military organization; Civil and Military Organization
The Organisation civile et militaire (OCM, "Civil and military organization") was one of the great movements of the French Resistance in the zone occupée, the German-occupied region of northern France, during the Second World War.


Médaille militaire

The Médaille militaire (English: Military Medal) is a military decoration of the French Republic for other ranks for meritorious service and acts of bravery in action against an enemy force. It is the third highest award of the French Republic, after the Légion d'honneur, a civil and military order, and the ordre de la Libération, a Second World War-only order. The Médaille militaire is therefore the most senior entirely military active French decoration.

During World War I, 230,000 médailles were awarded, when 1,400,000 French Army soldiers were killed and 3,000,000 wounded. For comparison, the UK Military Medal was awarded on 115,000 occasions in World War I, when 673,375 British Army soldiers were killed and 1,643,469 wounded. There were 628 awards to 627 recipients of the Victoria Cross, the United Kingdom's highest military decoration.

The award was first established in 1852 by the first President of the French Republic, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte who may have taken his inspiration from a medal established and awarded by his father, Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland.

After the First World War, the Military Medal was also temporarily awarded for wounds received in combat.